Team Cowboy

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How do I show or hide RSVP statuses when my team members RSVP for events?
If you are a team administrator, you can customize which RSVP statuses are displayed for your team members when they RSVP for your team's events. This includes hiding the "Maybe" RSVP status, or choosing to show other RSVP statuses, such as the "Available" RSVP status.

To show or hide specific RSVP statuses:
  1. Select a team where you are a team administrator
  2. Go to the Team Settings page
  3. Click Options
  4. Expand the RSVP Settings and Management section
  5. Expand the Default RSVP Rule subsection
  6. In the Which RSVP statuses should team members see when RSVPing? section, choose the desired RSVP statuses.
  7. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page

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